The United States President, Barack Obama, appreciated the resilience of India that it has shown in the last 60 years while abiding itself by the principles of democracy and steadily making itself a great success before the world.
Addressing the Joint Session of Indian Parliament here on Monday, Obama had high accolades for India as he appreciated the fact that instead of resisting the global economy, this nation became one of its engines.
"An ancient civilization of science and innovation. A fundamental faith in human progress. This is the sturdy foundation upon which you have built ever since that stroke of midnight when the tricolour was raised over a free and independent India," said the U.S. President, adding "And despite the skeptics who said that this country was simply too poor, too vast, too diverse to succeed, you surmounted overwhelming odds and became a model to the world."entioning about the transformation brought in through Green Revolution, Obama said: "Instead of slipping into starvation, you launched a Green Revolution that fed millions. Instead of becoming dependent on commodities and exports, you invested in science and technology and in your greatest resource - the Indian people. And the world sees the results, from the supercomputers you build to the Indian flag that you put on the moon."Instead of resisting the global economy, you became one of its engines - reforming the Licensing Raj and unleashing an economic marvel that has lifted tens of millions from poverty and created one of the world's largest middle classes," he said.
Obama also chose to appreciate the diversity of India, saying: "Instead of succumbing to division, you have shown that the strength of India - the very idea of India - is its embrace of all colours, castes and creeds."
"It's the diversity represented in this chamber today. It's the richness of faiths celebrated by a visitor to my hometown of Chicago more than a century ago - the renowned Swami Vivekananda. He said that, "holiness, purity and charity are not the exclusive possessions of any church in the world, and that every system has produced men and women of the most exalted character," he further added. The U.S. President showered high praise for the Indian election system, Indian judicial system which helped the nation maintain democracy all around without compromising anyone's freedom for progress.
Obama said: "And instead of being lured by the false notion that progress must come at the expense of freedom, you built the institutions upon which true democracy depends - free and fair elections, which enable citizens to choose their own leaders without recourse to arms; an independent judiciary and the rule of law, which allows people to address their grievances; and a thriving free press and vibrant civil society which allows every voice to be heard."
"And this year, as India marks 60 years with a strong and democratic constitution, the lesson is clear: India has succeeded, not in spite of democracy; India has succeeded because of democracy," the U.S. President remarked.
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